English Teacher
BA (English Literature), DipEd
While some have a long and winding road of discovery to find their passion, Mentone Grammar English Teacher, Karen Kennedy, was entranced by the world of words from the moment she could read. Legendary among students for her infectious passion, vast knowledge and genuine care for the individuals she teaches, Karen has mentored close to seventy Year 12 cohorts to achieve their best in their final year. So, is she a bit over it by now? “Not in the slightest.”
While Karen was born and raised in Southeast Melbourne, her early childhood was enchanted by the cultural influences of her parents. “My mother is French – she arrived in Australia from Paris with her family as a young woman for a two-year sojourn. She met my Australian father and stayed on to marry him – a brave move especially considering that she had minimal English at the time. Mum has always been an extraordinary role model to me, she has demonstrated tremendous courage, tenacity and resilience throughout her life.”
“My father was of Irish descent and died of cancer when I was in my early teens. I remember his staunch fighting spirit, unwavering bravery and positivity as he fought this illness against all odds. Losing him so early in life reinforced my strong family values and the need to savour every moment with those we love. It instilled in me the importance of living every moment to the fullest and embracing all opportunities and relationships. The mantra ‘carpe diem’ (Latin for ‘seize the day’) swiftly became the foundation of my philosophy on life.”
True to her father’s legacy, Karen seized the day with a vast array of experiences and creative pursuits, from writing, studying literature and debating, to swimming, cycling and tennis, craft and caring for animals. “As a child, I loved animals and desperately wanted a dog. I think the turning point for my father was seeing me walk a guinea pig down the street on a lead! The embarrassment for him must have been so acute that shortly after this episode, Terry, the cocker spaniel, arrived! I have not been without a dog since.”
After teaching English on the Mornington Peninsula for over twenty years, Karen made the move to Mentone Grammar in 2017. “I had heard glowing reports about Mentone Grammar, and it was a natural progression – along the highway! I love the students and the positive relationships that I have forged with so many young adults in the last eight years. I have been blessed.” Driven by her passion to impart the value of critical thinking and reading to her students, Karen decided to teach all her classes at least one new word per day from Year 7. “Their skills as writers, thinkers and orators would be infinitely greater by the time they left school, and they would be better equipped for whatever path they ultimately chose.”
Karen’s advice to her students is not to sweat the small things in life because essentially these things rarely matter. “People matter, relationships matter, feelings matter and compassion matters, especially in a world that can sometimes be chaotic and challenging to navigate. Having a safe haven and knowing that people are looking out for us can be the anchor we all need. In Sophocles’ profound words ‘Love is what frees us of the pain of life’.”
Karen still seizes each day with an impressive suite of hobbies including swimming and cycling most days, gardening, walking, knitting, sewing, floristry and making mosaic pieces for the garden. However, what makes her most happy is quite simply her family. “I am constantly in awe of my three adult children and my husband – they are such beautiful human beings and they inspire me every day. I am overwhelmed by their thoughtfulness, their kindness, their generosity of spirit, their strong family values, their resilience, their intellect and their outstanding achievements in their respective fields. When I grow up, I want to be just like them!”
To me, life is primarily about forging strong, authentic and meaningful relationships with the people around me – family, friends, those with whom I work and the delightful students who are in my care each year. This is essentially what drew me to teaching in the first place and this is what has kept me in the profession for so long!
Written by Deborah Callahan