Eblana Social Service Champions

We couldn’t be prouder of our amazing Eblana Social Service Captains, Thomas, Beau, and Lola-Rose (Year 4), who took the lead in organising a spectacular fundraiser for ‘Backpacks 4 VIC Kids‘ as part of our Harmony Day celebrations earlier this year.

Backpacks 4 VIC Kids is an Australian not-for-profit charity that provides vital material support to children in need, especially those entering out-of-home care and emergency accommodation.

Together, our students in Eblana raised a staggering $1,500! We are thrilled to announce that the charity used our donation on Wednesday 19 June to purchase an array of clothes, toys, books, and games for children in need.

A massive round of applause to our outstanding Eblana Social Service captains for their unwavering commitment and extraordinary effort! And let’s not forget to give a shout-out to all our incredible Eblana students who wholeheartedly supported this immensely worthwhile cause. 

You are all making a difference to the lives of these displaced children, bringing smiles, joy, and hope to their hearts. ❤️
