On Sunday 2 April, the pinnacle of our Centenary Celebrations was a magnificent long lunch with 100s of The Mentonians, friends and families who enjoyed a day when Mentone Grammar ‘brought out the good silver’.

Guests were greeted with sunshine and a jazz trio and embraced long lost friends before MC, Jamie McCarney, welcomed everyone, particularly those from overseas including the USA, Hong Kong and Singapore. Among the many special guests, Jamie also made special mention of our most ‘senior statesmen’ Keith Mitchell from the Class of 1949 and Roy Page from the Class of 1946. The day was off to a great start. What followed was a beautiful three-course meal, an endless bar and generations of entertaining memories and reflections from our very eloquent Mentonians.

We first heard from Bob Box (Class of 1969) who represented the large gathering of ‘baby boomers’ in the room. He evoked wonderful memories of gratitude, camaraderie and good times.

Current Board member and Mentone Grammar parent, Troy Riley (Class of 1990) represented the ‘Gen Xers’ of the 80s with an amusing recollection of what seemed like a fun generation!

Fast forward to a new century, the extraordinary journey of the School was no more evident when Millennial, Lottie Morison from the Class of 2013 spoke about her ‘tech generation’ and being part of the first generation of Mentone Grammar girls. In an affirming example of coeducation at work, Meghan Witherow, Head Prefect of the Class of 2014 represented the Gen Zers and spoke of being able to join the MG Cadet Unit, like her father, uncle and brother before her, and the positive impact Cadet leadership had on her, leading to her joining the ADF following school.

Four very different stories, but the resounding theme was appreciation, lifelong friendships and great memories.

Other formalities included the presentation of the School’s compelling Centenary Video that showcases some fascinating long-lost footage of the school life through the ages.

Other highlights included the announcement of the Tony Drinan Medal 2023 – John Peers (see overleaf) followed by personal tours of the School, including a viewing of the Centenary Art Exhibition. For others, the afternoon concluded in deck chairs with an outdoor bar and dessert trucks on a sunny Frogmore oval.

For each generation, it was a fantastic journey back through time, in the company of great friends in a setting that was both familiar and fun.

Thank you to all who supported and contributed to this unforgettable once-in-a-hundred-year event!
