Visual Arts

Under the guidance of our talented art teachers, the light-filled studios of the Creativity Centre are where beautiful artworks begin.

The arts play an increasingly important creative and social force in modern life. Our visual arts program encourages individual thinking and offers opportunities to engage in the creative process. They develop visual literacy, an important 21st century skill, which assists in other areas of education and is an important life skill in contemporary society.

The visual arts domain acknowledges the value of creativity in preparing students for today’s world by encouraging imagination, flexibility, adaptability and risk-taking. Creativity is the spark that drives the best thinkers; creative thinking is an employable skill.

Fostering a Love of Creativity

In the Early Years, the visual arts program aims to foster a love of creativity, self-expression and learning using a variety of materials and techniques through a range of media. It helps to engage students in critical and creative thinking so they can understand themselves and the world. 

The content covered in the Early Years comes directly from the student’s interests and ideas, which helps to foster enjoyment and pride in what is created. Students develop their imagination as well as refining their practical and fine motor skills. They learn to make choices when experimenting with materials, tools and techniques and gain an appreciation of well-known artists.

Development of Diverse Skills

As they progress to the Middle Years, teacher-initiated explorations enable students to develop specialised skills in a range of art forms such as drawing, painting, printmaking, 3D form, textiles, sculpture, digital photography, mixed media and design. There is a focus on students learning to work through the creative process to develop final artworks as they learn to analyse and interpret the way that artists communicate their ideas. We also aim to stretch and develop their imagination at an age where pressure from their peers and fear of criticism tend to make them seek approval by playing it safe.


Once reaching the Senior Years, students can begin to specialise in specific electives such as Art, Photography, Visual Communication Design, Art Creative Practice, and Art Making and Exhibiting. As they explore, expand and investigate these subjects, students progressively build and develop their skills in imaginative and creative ways. Extended opportunities are offered through our artist-in-residence program, masterclasses, gallery tours and exhibitions to excite and explore the fascinating world of artists and their crafts. Senior students may also attend additional sessions that include specialist classes.